Security Interest Group Switzerland (SIGS)

SIGS is the platform where today’s professionals in cyber security will develop a new way of thinking to ensure success in protecting their respective organizations.

Meet and be inspired with professionals who face a similar set of challenges as you to share strategies for mitigating the most current information security threats.

SIGS is an open community without any obligations but with the goal of bringing together professionals to share know how as well as experiences, and therefore to profit from each other.
Why we are different?

  • A platform without sales people as participants (besides the sponsors we need). You should be able to speak as freely as possible!
  • We always try to offer presentations from end customer side with real best practice experience content
  • A chance to meet in person to find inspiration, new ideas and build trust to other peers
  • Regular seminars and expert workshops to build your skills and keep you abreast of current threats and defences (with money-back guarantee if you are not happy!)

So give us a chance and take part at one of the platforms. You can find all the planned get-togethers here
Hope to see you sometimes in the future and greetings from the SIGS team


Gabi Gerber
Founder & Organizer

Security Interest Group Switzerland
c/o Bridge Head AG
Sulzbergstrasse 34
5430 Wettingen